On Friday, 6 December, most Arabs heard that Bashar Assad was finished, Hayat Tarir al-Shams was taking over Syria with no opposition, they were not, as many claimed, still al-Qaeda or ISIS, they were reformed (Julani, formerly dressed like a terrorist, put on a suit like Zelenski's), so now they appealed to all Syrians. I checked my (English) sources, and they said Syria was safe, since the Russians were there to protect them.
The US has wanted those Russian Naval Bases in Syria for NATO, and now probably has then. The US has been working on this for a long time. They took all the Syrian oil and a lot of the wheat, leaving Syria with no income. Military officers were paid $30 to $40 a month, the enlisted men about $5, while those in Hayat Tarir al-Shams (or HTS) were getting more than $2,000 a month, and the soldiers and officers in the Syrian Army were promised decent pay if they'd surrender. Most were killed after they surrendered, so they don't need the money, but Bashar Assad's government was overthrown on Saturday, 7 December.
Israel took Southern Syria. Turkey took a chunk of Northern Syria, and demands all the oil property now held by US troops with Kurdish support. Russia have not yet been driven out of Syria, but their position is now very difficult, and they'll probably withdraw and NATO will take their abandoned ports.
The Arab League ejected Syria, but the Gulf Arabs promised readmission and money if Syria would cut ties with Russia, the PRC, and Iran.
So, with no money to pay the military, and with Erdogan promising huge sums if they'd surrender, the Syrian military surrendered. Bashar was in the Russian base in Latakia, and it was suggested he go to Russia, so he went on Sunday, December 8.
For now, HTS says a) they have no quarrel with Israel, Israel is welcome to Southern Syria; and b) "Next year in Jerusalem".
Many Syrians are rejoicing, while many others are trying to flee to Lebanon, sure they'll be killed if they stay (and they're probably right).
After 19 Arabs perpetrated the hijacking and suicidal crashing of four airplanes, destroying the World Trade Center, General Wesley Clark said he heard someone say that Iraq and six other countries must be destroyed, seven countries in five years.
It took a little longer. In 2001, of course, President Bush, Jr. said the hijackers were all Afghans, so the US attacked Afghanistan. Then, in 2003, he said he'd discovered three more countries were responsible in what the Washington Post says was one of the best State of the Union Speeches ever given: Iran planned, funded, and organised the attack, and the Afghans were helped by Iraq and the DPRK, so the US had offered Saddam the chance to surrender, he had refused, and the US must invade and destroy the terrorist nation Iraq, and then Iran and the DPRK.
A few weeks later, President Bush, Jr admitted he'd missed two more countries responsible for 9/11: Libya and Cuba.
The list of 7 countries to be destroyed were Iraq, Libya, Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Lebanon, and Iran, and all but Iran have been effectively destroyed.
Libya had the highest per capita of all the countries in Africa, all from stealing all the US oil under Libyan soil. Now, all that oil goes to the US who share 10% with the UK and 10% with France for helping destroy Libya. The Libyans have nothing but the souk al abid (سوق العبد), that and taking money to put too many desperate people in flimsy boats to try to sail to Europe.
Sudan got a civil war, was broken into two countries, Sudan and South Sudan, both of which are now having civil wars, so two civil wars from one.
Somalia was destroyed by sanctions, as was Lebanon.
And Syria was destroyed by having all the oil and wheat stolen by the US, then sanctions made it just about impossible to do anything.
All that's left now is Iran.
With Syria destroyed, all the Syrian antiaircraft batteries have been destroyed. Before, Israeli planes could not fly directly over Syria, except with a US protective shield: when the Israeli Air Force attacked Iran, they had to fly over Syria, so hundreds of US planes flew below the Israeli planes, so any antiaircraft would hit a US plane, giving the US an excuse to carpet bomb Syria, so Syria did not use their antiaircraft batteries, and Israel managed to attack some Iranian targets. Now, no US shield is needed, Israel can bomb Iran whenever they want.
And the plan is that Iran must be taken out soon, and Trump will either help Israel, or at least make it easy for Israel to destroy Iran.
The "seven countries in five years" starting in 2003 has taken a bit longer than anticipated, six of the seven were destroyed in just 21 years, and the seventh probably has about a year left.
Russia is looking weaker than before after letting Bashar Assad fall, so the US figure NATO can easily destroy Russia without using nukes.
And then the PRC will be all alone, and easily destroyed.
Unless, of course, the BRICS manage to ally militarily and protect each other.
Russia are sending a lot of anti-aircraft systems to Iran, so Israeli planes will have to use rockets rather than bombs, and Iran is a very large country, much larger than Syria, so it is not at all clear how effective the Israeli strike made with US support on Iran was. "Devastating, most of the Iranian nuclear programme was completely destroyed," according to Israel and the US. "Minimal damage," according to Iran. And no way of knowing who, if anyone, is telling the truth.
Likewise, the Iranian rocket strike on Israel: "No damage at all," according to Israel. "All intended targets struck and damaged," according to Iran. And, again, no way of knowing.
"Fox News" say that Hamas was able to strike Israel on 7 October 2023 and Israel has been unable to destroy Hamas and free all the hostages because President Biden is weak and rather anti-semitic, so he did not give Israel the support they needed to prevent 7 October and to quickly free all the hostages and destroy Hamas, but President Trump is strong, so Hamas will soon be no more, and all hostages will be freed.
Likewise, Russia only dared invade the Ukraine because President Biden was weak, and then he did not give the Ukraine the support they needed to finish the job of crushing Russia, but President Trump will change all that.
President/Candidate Trump said he was not going to continue wasting $trillons on the Ukraine, which does not sound like spending far more to destroy Russia. And it's not clear if Trump believes the story in all the US/UK/EU press that Russia are losing badly in the Ukraine, and with just a little more effort Putin will be deposed and Russia will be no more, the oblasts will be separate, independent, unarmed countries that can't threaten US hegemony. Those actually in the parts of the Ukraine controlled by Russia say Russia are winning the war: people who have checked note that Russia are producing seven times as much artillery as NATO, so even if NATO give the Ukraine all they can produce, it's not nearly enough. But one can't read that in any of the major US/UK/EU media.
Net: the world is in a mess, thermonuclear war seems more likely than ever before, and the information in the major US/UK/EU media mostly isn't.