Tuesday, January 9, 2024


 The word 'Zionist' was coined by a British Jew in the late19th century, but the concept is recorded (without the name) in the first half of the 19th century when the (Anglican) Rev. Keith said that Palestine was 'a land without a people for a people without a land'.

The overwhelming majority of Zionists are Christians who know that Jesus cannot return before every Jew is in Palestine.

Jewish Zionists are more of a mixed lot, with some figuring Palestine is for the Jews, so they moved there, and some figuring Palestine is for other Jews, so they tithe in support of the State of Israel; however, most of the world's Jews living outside Palestine have no desire to move to Palestine nor to pay for other Jews to colonise Palestine.

Israel made 2 million Philistines legal in Israel, but there are more than 7 million Philistines living in Israel, so more then 5 million are illegals as far as Israel is concerned, and they want them all gone, one way or the other. Officially, there are two million Nazis in Ghaza, and all must be removed. If some other country will take them, women and children can leave. Israel keeps saying they never wanted to kill any women or children, but Hamas use the women and children as human shields as they fire rockets to kill Israelis, so what can the Israeli Occupation Force (IOF) do? They must protect Israelis from the rockets, and the only way to do that results in the deaths of some women and children, but this is all the fault of Hamas, not Israel.

And, of course, it is also the fault of those countries that refuse to take in the women and children Philistines who must leave Israel or die.

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