The Wikipedia article on Concentration Camps notes that the term ‘Concentration Camp’ was first used by the UK to describe facilities in South Africa during the Boer Wars. Since no enemy army ever overran and liberated any of those British South African Concentration Camps, we have only rumours and one photograph of an emaciated woman, with the claim that the UK military went from Boer farmhouse to Boer farmhouse and, if the farmer were not home, he was assumed to be fighting against the British, so they put his family in a Concentration Camp where they would not be fed until the farmer surrendered. But no solid proof that this is true.
The term was also used by the Americans who said they confined Japanese in ‘Concentration Camps’ during WWII.
Wikipedia say that many now agree that the term ‘Concentration Camp’ should only refer to Nazi Concentration Camps, the British and American facilities must be referred to as ‘internment camps’.
Again, there are rumours the British Concentration Camps were as bad as the Nazi Concentration Camps, and one former inmate told me about an American Concentration Camp where he said that the guards were ordered to starve the prisoners but they refused to ‘chust follow orders’ and, against all orders, let the prisoners farm and grow enough food to feed themselves when the guards had been ordered to keep the prisoners confined to their cells 24/7 and feed them only the government provided food that was enough for about 500 or so calories per person per day. I have only the former inmate’s testimony that he had plenty to eat in the Concentration Camp only because the guards violated their orders and made sure the prisoners grew plenty of food for themselves when the guards had been ordered not to allow this.
But only the Nazi Concentration Camps were liberated by armies that hated the Nazis and who then revealed all the horrors the Nazi guards had been ordered to conceal. So we have no idea what the worst of the British or American Concentration Camps were really like, we only have unverifiable rumours.
The Nazis did feed their prisoners, not enough, so they slowly starved to death. Then, as they starved, their immune systems failed, they contracted serious infections and spread those infections to the guards, so the Nazis ordered that any prisoner too weak to work or who looked sick was to be killed and then cremated. This tended to include women and children who could not perform heavy manual labour and who were immediately murdered and cremated. And we have solid proof of the Nazi crimes, but only because their enemies liberated their Concentration Camps and publicised those crimes.
Which brings us to Gaza. First, the Israelis banned all food. Then they agreed to allow about 5 trucks a day, less than what the Nazis fed their prisoners. ‘The Nazis starved their prisoners, but the Israelites are letting plenty of food into Gaza, so it is not at all the same, it is totally wrong to call it a Concentration Camp,’ say people like Steve Malzberg, which Wikipedia sort of insists is correct: Wikipedia say that the term Concentration Camp should only be applied to Nazi Concentration Camps with huge gas chambers for mass executions and mass crematoria to dispose of all the corpses.
Wikipedia say, “Don’t call the British or American or Israeli Concentration Camps ‘Concentration Camps’, call them ‘internment camps’.”
I heard Malzberg say, ‘The Palestinians in Gaza are not confined by the Israelis, they are free to leave, they are only stopped by Hamas, so one cannot even call Gaza an Israeli internment camp since the people are all free to come and go, it is only Hamas, not Israel, who are keeping them in Gaza.’
Sounds good, only it’s completely false. Israel only allows those who can prove they are not Hamas to exit into Egypt, but Egypt will only accept Palestinians with other passports to transit to that other country, and very sick Palestinians to come to Egypt for treatment. Egypt do not want two million Palestinians coming to Egypt. And Israel do not want two million Palestinians living in Gaza.
Israel are killing about 10,000 Gaza Palestinians a month, all of them Hamas terrorists, even the women and new-born babies. Israel assure us they have not killed a single civilian, all those killed were supporting the Hamas terrorists. Hamas call their bases ‘hospitals’ but Israel reveal the truth, they are military bases, not hospitals, so Israel have not bombed a single hospital, nor a mosque, nor a school, nor a church, all were Hamas military bases and legitimate targets. In fact, all of Gaza is a Hamas military base and so a legitimate target, and Israel will probably continue to kill at least 10,000 of those ‘Hamas terrorists’, most of them women and small children, every month until the Gaza is completely cleansed of all terrorists.
So Gaza is not a concentration camp, and Israel are not committing any war crimes, Israel are just making the world a better, safer place for everyone by tracking down and neutralising terrorists.
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