Friday, October 18, 2024

Iran’s Nuke?

Iran was offered the JCPOA by Obama, but it was cancelled by Trump. The dimmycrats figure Trump was stupid and evil, but they figure that with or without his cancelling the JCPOA.

Clinton ordered a strict blockade on Iraq. No food, no medicine, no vaccines or antibiotics, so childhood diseases that could have easily been treated proved fatal, and malnutrition plus treatable medical problems killed at least 500,000 Iraqi children, a number the US said was well worth it. Clinton promised an end to the blockade if Iraq allowed UN inspectors to verify that Iraq had no WMD.

 Just as soon as those UN inspectors verified no WMDs in Iraq, the Bush, Jr. government announced that they had found anthrax and other biological WMD, and ordered an invasion, execution of all top Iraq government officials, and killed several million more Iraqis than the blockade had already killed.

Then Bush, Jr ordered a strict blockade on Libya and made the same offer, and Qaddafi accepted. As soon as the UN inspectors verified no WMDs, Obama announced that he’d found WMD in Libya and ordered the US military to kill Qaddafi, and lots of other Libyans, and the US military were glad to comply. Then Obama tightened the blockade on Iran (there since 1979) and offered the JCPOA. Plan A, of course, was for Hillary to find WMD and order the overthrow of the Ayatollah. Only Trump got elected and cancelled the JCPOA, and, as a result, we still have the Iranian Ayatollah.

Meanwhile, Clinton, Bush, Jr, and Obama blockaded the DPRK and made the same offer. Kim Jong Il had a huge explosion set off in a mine and said he’d set off a nuke, but seismic evidence was ambiguous. His son, Kim Jong Un set off an explosion in a mine that was unambiguously a nuke. Nothing has happened to the DPRK.

 So why doesn’t Iran have a nuke?

The US executed two Jews for giving away the big secret to a nuke, a secret known to just about every physicist: one needs a pile of about 60 tonnes of uranium and three years. The first US pile was created in Chicago in 1942, and that pile had about 5 tonnes of metallic uranium and the rest was yellowcake, both made as pure as possible, and a chain reaction started, a chain reaction that produced plutonium, something that does not occur in nature. (The pile also needs very pure graphite and cadmium, but graphite and cadmium are easy to obtain, and refining the graphite isn’t that difficult, the hard part is getting enough uranium.)

In 1945, the US obliterated Hiroshima and Nagasaki with two nukes. The US, after Nagasaki was destroyed, explained that there had been a secret test of the first nuke. The US also explained that all three nukes were based on a critical mass of U235. They also explained that they got the U235 by taking pure uranium, which is mostly U238 with a tiny amount of U235. One transforms metallic uranium into uranium fluoride gas and centrifuges the gas to separate out the U235. It takes a lot of centrifuging, because each round only increases the percentage of U235 by a small amount. Eventually, one gets almost pure U235, which is a fissile material that can form a nuclear bomb.

I saw a Disney comic in the ‘50s where the duck scientist, Ludwig von Drake, has a tiny speck of U235, which he said was the most powerful explosive in the world. He threw the tiny speck of U235 into a huge canyon. Someone said, ‘Nothing happened.’ Ludwig von Drake said, ‘It hasn’t hit bottom yet.’ Finally, there was a huge explosion that completely filled the entire canyon, all from a tiny flake of U235.

In high school, my science teacher said he’d worked on the bomb, centrifuging uranium fluoride to get pure U235.

The Soviets were not fooled. It is extremely difficult to separate out almost pure U235. The US eventually admitted one of the three nukes was a plutonium nuke, which is very easy to extract from the uranium pile after three years of a controlled chain reaction. Later it became two plutonium nukes and one U235 nuke. Last I heard, many figure it was three plutonium nukes.

Iran has found about 10 tonnes of uranium. None of the nations with large amounts of uranium will sell to Iran.

The nations of the world are divided into two groups, those with lots of uranium, more than 60 tonnes of yellowcake, and those with very little uranium. The group with lots of uranium is further subdivided into two subgroups: those that want and have a nuke, and those who absolutely do not want a nuclear bomb, and sell the uranium that they do not need for their own nuclear power plants to countries of which they approve.

Needless to say, Iran is in the group with very little uranium and no one willing to sell or give them uranium. Israel is in the group of one nation that has very little uranium in mines in their own country, but who might have had a friend that gave them 100 tonnes of yellowcake that they used to build one of the world’s largest and somewhat ‘secret’ nuclear arsenals–Israel will neither confirm nor deny that they have nukes.

As everyone who has ever listened to President Netanyahu has heard him reiterate, ‘Iran is less than a month away from having a nuke,’ so the US must invade immediately or face a nuclear armed Iran that cannot be safely invaded. And Iran has been less than a month away for at least 30 years now.

But without those UN inspectors verifying that Iran aren’t hiding a secret nuke that they could deploy against the US, the US are reluctant to invade.

So Iran are very lucky that Hillary lost the election, or the JCPOA would have gotten them invaded and destroyed.

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