Friday, October 11, 2024

So Long Mom?

If one reads the US/UK/EU news, Putin had this hair-brained idea of rebuilding the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact, and figured the Ukraine was the weakest link and the best place to start. What Putin did not know (as the US/UK/EU reiterate) was that NATO had armed and trained the Ukraine. Russia, meanwhile, had old Soviet weapons from WWII and Czarist weapons from WWI, and nothing else, so the entire Russian army was wiped out by the Ukraine. The Russians managed to invade a few villages, such as Bucha, and kill a bunch of unarmed civilians, but the Russians could not stand up to the Ukrainian military with their ultra-advanced weapons and training from NATO.

Putin lost one army, so he sent a second and a third. Russia have lost more than one million men, while the Ukraine have only lost 31,500. Russia is on the edge of defeat, the Ukraine military have taken the Westernmost part of Russia and will soon be in Moscow and will hand Putin over to the Hague, then Russia will be broken up into 30 or more small, unarmed countries, with all Russian oil and gas forfeited to US oiligarchs as War Reparations.

Great story, and it sells Western news media: print, web, and TV. Not a word of it true, but the point is profit, and the Western news are profiting from this story (and any other story is strictly illegal, unless it's the story that they lied: Russia are much weaker than this story portrays, and victory will be much easier).

Meanwhile, classified US documents read by Tucker Carlson (for which he was fired) say that it's not Russia but the Ukraine that are losing, that the Ukraine have lost close to 1 million men, while Russian losses are only 10% to 20% of Ukrainian losses.

Russia will not stop until NATO agree that the Ukraine will never be a part of NATO, and the faux Ukrainian government, installed by NATO, specifically by Victoria Nuland, is replaced by a government that promise never to join NATO.

It is never mentioned that, in 2021, Putin sent 2 letters, one to the White House and one to NATO headquarters in Europe, that Russia could never allow the Ukraine to be part of NATO. The White House and NATO headquarters both said that Russia had no say in the matter, the Ukraine would join NATO and host the largest NATO military base in the world. After which, Putin invaded.

Putin made one huge mistake. In 2014, Victoria Nuland got rid of a rabidly pro-Russian government whose president kept going back and forth between Russia and Europe, asking which would give him the better deal. So Victoria put in a rabidly anti-Russian government that promised the largest NATO base in the Ukraine, in return, the president got $millions and the Ukraine got nothing, which is just as it should be. The new government announced that all those Russian naval bases in Crimea would be given to NATO, and Russia would be kicked out, leaving Russia with no sea access for their fleet.

Russia invaded Crimea, and the army, with almost all Slavic senior officers, met the Russians and agreed that Crimea would return from the Ukraine to Russia, where it had been until Khrushchev gave it to the Ukraine in 1954. Not a shot was fired.

But, from 2014 until 2022, NATO had the Ukraine remove all Slavic officers from their military and replace them with Aryan officers who wanted the complete destruction of all Slavs and Slavic nations. So when Russia arrived in 2022, it was not like the Crimea, the  Ukrainian Aryans tried their best to destroy the Russian military, who reorganised and began crushing the Ukrainian military.

It is now clear, to observers who are currently in the Ukraine seeing what is happening, that Russia will win.

It is just as clear, to observers in the US/UK/EU, that all reports and news articles say Russia are losing, and losing badly, they have lost three armies, and now all Russian military are very elderly men and very young boys, and most Russians are ready to hand Putin over to the Hague.

The Ukraine say they need long-range weapons that can destroy Moscow and St Petersburg. The UK said, 'OK, we'll give you long-range Storm Shadow missiles.'

Putin said, 'If one Storm Shadow missile hits Russia, every Storm Shadow facility in the UK will be toast.'

The UK withdrew the offer, but the US are now making a similar offer, and Putin has not yet threatened the US facilities, or, if he has, the US suppress that news.

US/UK/EU readers/watchers of the news are still told that the Ukraine are winning and Russia are just days away from total defeat, provided the US/UK/EU support continue. A mere $900 billion have kept the Ukraine close to victory, and more money is essential to completely destroy Russia, 

Everyone is sure the US will easily destroy Russia just as Napoleon did in 1812, and the "1812 Overture" celebrates Napoleon's victory over Russia.

And, of course, the Wehrmacht defeated the USSR. The Wehrmacht fought at Leningrad and Stalingrad, and easily destroyed both cities. Just look at any modern map: there is no trace of Leningrad nor Stalingrad, since both were destroyed by the Wehrmacht, and the Ukrainian/NATO army are rapidly advancing on Moscow (but the US/UK/EU prediction of what will happen when they get there might prove rather less than accurate).                                                                                                                                            

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