Friday, April 26, 2024

More about the Ukraine and the Ghaza

I grew up with my teachers telling me that humans were divided into 5 races, in alphabetical order: Black, Brown, Red, White, and Yellow.

As I wrote before, I no longer believe that.

But the Nazis said the Europeans, all white, were divided into three races: Aryan, Slav, and Jew. The book, My Struggle, written in the 1920s (mostly, it got revised until his death by suicide) by the man elected Chancellor of Germany in 1933, only has one or two paragraphs about the Slavs, saying they must all be killed for Lebensraum. Most of the book is about how the author started thinking the Jews were just different, but (he wrote) he learned they were evil and all of Europe must be Judenfrei. I believe he wanted to achieve that by deporting all the Jews, but the US and UK both said that Jews are a problem, and European Jews are a European problem, so they prohibited Europe from deporting their Jews to afflict any other part of the world. After WWII started in 1940, the first thing the Nazis did was cut food to the Jews in Concentration Camps, and, as they starved, their immune systems weakened and they began developing infectious diseases and spreading them to the people working in the Concentration Camps, so the Nazis decided to kill them all and burn the bodies, the Final Solution.

No one knows exactly how many Jews the Nazis killed, since they tried to keep the Death Camps secret, but the standard guess is 6 million. No one (except the Slavs) cares how many Slavs the Nazis killed, but at least 26 million. Canada recently honoured a member of the Waffen SS for killing Slavs during WWII.

After the war, the US announced that all the Jews in Western Europe must be sent to Palestine, a land that was only for Jews. The US/UK understanding was that the Arabs are all Bedouin, with no permanent homes, they just wander, following their camels and goats from one grazing place in the desert to another grazing place when the current one is completely eaten, and the Arabs all live in tents, and they could wander in other Arab lands, anyplace except Palestine. The fact that Palestine is in the Fertile Crescent, so the Palestinians had permanent homes in which they wanted to remain was not known to the Americans, nor did they care. Israel became a very nice, unsinkable aircraft carrier for the US, from which they could dominate Arabia and control the oil and Palestinians were easily expendable. Expending the Palestinians has continued since 1948 by Israelis with full US/UK/European support.


Meanwhile, there was a story from the 1990s: "I was born in Austria. I went to school in Poland. I got my first job in the Soviet Union. And I retired in the Ukraine."

"You must have done a lot of travelling."

"I never left the village where I was born."

Before the 18th century, the Russian Empire ended at the Dnieper River. West of the Dnieper River was Poland, which was in a political mess in the 18th century so Russia annexed part, a total of about 60% of what had been the Commonwealth of Poland and Lithuania (the other 40% was split between the Austrian and Hungarian Empire and Prussia). After WWI, the victorious UK and France redrew all the boundary lines of Europe, reforming Poland (Lithuania became the three Baltic countries, since they neither liked Poland nor each other) and creating lots of new states like Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia.

Then, after WWII, Stalin took back all that had been part of the Russian Empire plus some of what had been Austria and all of East Prussia. Some of this became the Soviet Socialist Republic of the Ukraine. But to what had been the Ukraine, Lenin, Stalin, and Khrushchev added parts of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Russia. The idea was to get a mixture of Ukrainians and Russians who didn't much care for each other and so could not unify and try to rebel against the USSR.

The Ukraine that Lenin, Stalin, and Khrushchev created consisted of people who considered themselves Aryans, Slavs, and Jews, which meant they couldn't agree on much. Then, in 2014, the US came in and gave money and weapons to the Aryans and said, 'You can kill all the Slavs for Lebensraum, but if you touch a Jew, we'll kill you.' Victoria Nuland named an Aryan as President of the Ukraine (the previous president, presumably a Slav, had to flee), and the Aryans, having all the money and weapons, started killing off the Slavs for Lebensraum. The new president also said that the Russians, who had been squatting on the naval bases in the Crimea, would be evicted and those naval bases returned to their rightful owner: NATO.

So, for starters, Putin declared that Crimea, transferred by Khrushchev from the Socialist Soviet Republic of Russia to the Soviet Socialist Republic of the Ukraine in 1954, was returning to Russia. A small military force entered the Crimea, and the entire Crimean military surrendered without a shot being fired. It is not clear why NATO allowed Russia to do this, other than the fact that Russia have more nukes than all of NATO, but NATO let this go, promising the Ukraine that they'd eventually get all of the Crimea back, just be patient.

The Constitution of Russia, which consists of more of the old USSR than any other country, says that Russia must protect ethnic Russians in the former USSR. So Putin demanded and got the Minsk Agreement, signed by the Ukraine, Germany, and France, which said the Ukraine would respect ethnic Russians in the Donbass. In the Donbass, ethnic Russians could speak Russian and practice the Russian Orthodox religion, and the Donbass would remain part of the Ukraine. Putin agreed that Slavs could be killed off in the rest of the Ukraine, but not in the Donbass. Merkel and Holland, Chancellor of Germany and President of France in 2014, both said they signed the Minsk agreements to trick Russia into leaving the Donbass alone while the Ukrainian military was reorganised and given advanced arms. Russian officers were fired and replaced with Aryan officers, and NATO trainers upgraded the fighting skills of the Ukrainian military.

With Russia complaining that the Ukraine was run by Nazis, the US had an 'election' and named a Jewish actor named Zelensky as the new 'president'. Zelensky knows how to follow the scripts the US give him, and the US can say that no Nazi would ever accept a Jewish president. The killing of Slavs would continue, but the Jews in the Ukraine would be safe.

By 2021, it was clear that the Ukrainian military was trying to kill off all the ethnic Russians in the Donbass, and in December Putin sent letters to the US and NATO in Europe asking them to please stop the Ukraine from killing ethnic Russians. The US and NATO said that, if the Ukraine wanted to kill off all the ethnic Russians and join NATO and have nuclear NATO bases pointed at Moscow so close they could hit Moscow before Moscow could respond, the Ukraine and NATO had every right to do this. So in 2022, Russia invaded the Ukraine.

Under the Russian Constitution, this was mandatory. Under NATO law, this was an egregious violation.

The Western media have been saying that the Ukrainians, with NATO weapons, destroyed the entire Russian military in a few weeks, so Putin drafted young boys and old men to continue his stupid and evil idea of rebuilding the USSR, then the Warsaw Pact, and then march West and take the rest of Europe. Fortunately, draft after draft of Russians were all killed, since NATO weapons have twice the range and better accuracy than the weapons available to the Russians, which are all old Soviet and even Czarist weapons. The Ukraine have only lost about 31,000 soldiers, and are ready, willing, and able to destroy anything and everything Russia send against them.

The Western press note that the evil, appeasement Congress of 2023 and early 2024 cut off the supply of materiel for the Ukrainian military and they suffered some minor setbacks, but, fortunately, the Congress finally did the right thing and sent both the Ukraine money to kill off the Russian invaders in the Ukraine and Israel money to kill off the 2.3 million terrorists in the Ghaza.

Fox News figure the Ukraine is pretty much worthless, so why are the US wasting $61 billion trying to take it all back from Russia, but cheer that the US are now supporting Israel's killing off all 2.3 million terrorists in the Ghaza.

The rest of the mainstream Western media, e.g., CNN, BBC, France24, etc., etc., all agree that Putin was trying to reform the old USSR, then the Warsaw Pact, then take the rest of Europe, so it's great that the Congress gave the Ukrainians the money they need to finish the defeat of Russia, who are almost out of troops given their massive losses. And all the dying on the anti-Russian side has been by Ukrainians, not a single US soldier has been killed in the Ukraine, and Russia are very near total defeat and unconditional surrender, and after that defeat, Russia will be broken up into 30 or more small, unarmed statelets with all the oil and gas returned to their rightful owners, US oiligarchs.

But the rest of the Western media want Israel to try to avoid killing the Ghazan women and children, and only kill Hamas terrorists. They admit that, until Hamas release all the Israeli hostages, the killing must continue, so really, all the dead women and children are the fault of Hamas, not the US/NATO/Israel.

The fact that none of the Western media are telling the slightest hint of the truth is something that one can now discover on TikTok, so the US plan to destroy TikTok ASAP.

There are a few places (TikTok, where one can find that Airman Jack Teixeira posted a TS/SCI/NOFORN document that Ukrainian losses have been at least 10 times more than Russian losses, and Russian weapons are more advanced than NATO weapons, but no decent Western person would read a TS/SCI/NOFORN document without proper authorisation, so continue reading the Western media that Russia are very close to complete defeat, and the Israelis have only killed terrorists in Ghaza, all those women and children deaths are either Hamas lies or Hamas victims.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Ghaza: History and Future?

 It is said that not all Jews are Zionists, which is clearly correct, and not all Zionists are Jews, which depends on whose definition of 'Zionist' one uses. Some Jews believe all Jews should have Israel where there used to be a British colony called Palestine, and these are clearly Zionists. Far more Christians than Jews believe that all Jews must be in what used to be the British colony of Palestine, but Wikipedia says they are properly called 'Restorationists' because they want to restore all the Jews back to the land G_d gave to Abraham according to the Torah; however, many now call all those a Zionist who figure that what used to be the British colony of Palestine is for Jews, and all Jews should be in Palestine, whether the person is Jewish or goy.

It was in 1843 that the Anglican clergyman Rev. Keith wrote that all the Jews in the UK must go to Palestine, 'A land without a people for a people without a land.' Most British Anglicans accepted this, because every Jew is a deicide, but they have the 'mark of Cain,' so they must not be allowed to remain in the UK but they cannot be killed, so all must be deported back to Palestine. But most UK Jews did not accept this until the end of the 19th century.

In the late 19th century, Herzl, a Serbian Jew who had moved to Bohemia, coined the term Zionism, which, at first, meant that, because of European antisemitism, Jews must have a homeland somewhere, anywhere, where they would be safe, but, eventually, Herzl decided that place must be in the Ottoman vilayet of Syria, and he presented this idea at a conference in Switzerland in 1897.

After the Ottomans lost WWI, much of what had been the Ottoman Empire was chopped up by the UK and France, with Ottoman Syria divided by Sykes and Picot into regions with a mixture of Sunni Arabs, Shia Arabs, and Kurds, who all disliked each other, making it easy to run the colony since the inhabitants hated each other more than they hated the European Imperialists. Majority Sunni colonies had Shia governments installed, and majority Shia colonies had Sunni governments (Kurds were split among so many different colonies, plus Turkey, that there were no Kurdish majority colonies.)

The UK created one colony called Palestine, inhabited mostly by Palestinians, a word now banned in the US where they must be called either Arabs or terrorists, and then tried to get all the UK Jews to go there, so the colony would be a mixture of Palestinians and Jews who would spend more time fighting each other than fighting the British Imperialists. Sadly, the UK Jews didn't get the message and did things like blowing up the hotel where the senior British Imperial officers of British Palestine were staying.

The British also said that Palestine was only for British Jews and would not allow Russian Jews fearing pogroms to enter. Nor did they allow Jews to enter after the Nazis said that all of Europe must be Judenfrei, but at first, the Nazis wanted to deport all the Jews, not kill them. However, the US and UK said that Jews are a big problem, but European Jews are a European problem and Europe must not be allowed to inflict European problems on any other part of the world. So the Nazis came up with their Final Solution in 1940, after trying unsuccessfully to get the Jews to leave from 1933 until 1940, since the UK and US made it impossible for European Jews to leave Europe.

After Germany lost WWII, the US announced that all the Jews in Western Europe must be sent to Palestine. No choice, all the surviving Jews had to go. Of course, quite a few Jews were killed from 1940 to 1945, but no one is sure how many (the most common estimate is six million). And, of course, if the UK and US had let them leave, the Nazis would have preferred to deport the Jews rather than kill them.

So the Jews in Western Europe who had survived the Holocaust ended up in Palestine, later Israel, and the US figure it would be best if a) Israel was 100% Jewish; and b) 100% of the world's Jews were in Israel, and the UK agreed. Also much of Europe plus the UK are all US neocolonies, so whatever the US want, the chief executives of the European states (and the UK), handpicked by the US elite, always agree to do.

The Jews were heavily armed by the US, UK, and France (for starters) and managed to defeat the Arabs easily (many Arab states tried to keep Palestine as a primarily Arab state, split among Syria, Jordan, and Egypt, but their militaries were very poorly armed in comparison with the European Jews).

Then, of course, many Arab states made their Jewish citizens unwelcome, so they went to Israel.

And, finally, after the breakup of the USSR, which prohibited emigration, many Soviet Jews went to Israel since the successor states of the USSR were happy to see them leave.

And, again, the US and other Zionists want all the Jews to go to Israel and all the goyim to leave Israel, since they believe this will cause Jesus to return.

So, in the Western media, everyone in Ghaza is a terrorist. There are no Palestinians in Israel, only terrorists. Children are taught from birth that their duty is to kill every Jew in the world, starting with every Jew in Israel. Toddlers who cannot walk crawl with knives or small pistols, looking for Jews to kill. Schoolbooks for the terrorist children in Ghaza (and the West Bank) don't waste time on maths or science or history, they only teach the students that it is their duty to kill every Jew. Not true, of course, maybe not even believed by Israelis, but it's still a good Israeli talking point for why every Ghazan who won't leave voluntarily must be killed. And one hears this reiterated incessantly on Fox.

So Israel have not killed a single innocent in Ghaza, the claim that Israel killed 35,000, mostly women and children, is just a lie by Hamas: everyone killed by Israel was a terrorist, since only terrorists live in the Ghaza. And one can hear this reiterated by Fox and many other Western media outlets on a daily basis.

Israel did not destroy a single hospital in Ghaza, because Hamas did not allow any hospitals in Ghaza, all were military bases disguised as hospitals from which Hamas fired rockets to kill Jews. And this is the only  version one gets on Fox, and one often gets this version on other Western media channels.

In real life, Israel have killed at least 35,000, mostly women and children, and destroyed most of the hospitals, killing medical staff and patients, but it's illegal to write or broadcast this in the Western media.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Western Media on Ukraine and Ghaza


In the Western Media, the Ukraine are winning. The New York Times ran a letter from the Republican Senator J. D. Vance, saying the Ukraine are losing and the US are doing the Ukrainians a disservice by sending them $billions they use to send their men to die with no chance of winning. Almost all of the letters by subscribers in response to the Senator's letter denounced the Senator as a danger to democracy: the Ukraine are winning, but they will lose unless the US keep sending $100s of billions every year, and if the Ukraine lose, this will mean the US will have to go to war with Russia. Now the US are only funding the war, the Ukrainians are doing all the work. Some have died, of course, as happens in war, but not too many. NATO weapons have twice the range and much greater accuracy than Russian weapons, so the Ukrainians have been able to destroy the entire Russian military invading force, losing only a small fraction as many as the Russians, about 31,000 Ukrainians have died, compared to more than 300,000 Russians. Of course, Putin is drafting more young Russians to be forcibly shipped to the Ukraine to die, so the US must keep supporting the Ukraine with weapons and ammunition, and anyway, all the money ends up back in the US with our defence industry workers. If we stop the money, the Ukraine will lose, Putin will send the Red Army to attack the NATO countries in Europe, and Americans will have to go to Europe and do the dying instead of Ukrainians.

Hence, according to the New York Times and the overwhelming majority of their readers, the US Congress must do the right thing and get another $60 billion in matériel to the Ukraine ASAP. 

New York Times readers believe the New York Times coverage of the war in the Ukraine, so they're sure the Ukrainians are winning, Russia are on the brink of total defeat and the breakup of Russia from one large, militaristic threat to the US into 32 small countries, all disarmed and absolutely no threat. So all that money going to the Ukraine (well, not really money to the Ukraine, mostly matériel) is saving a lot of US lives (and providing a lot of well-paying jobs for Americans). The fact that the New York Times coverage of the war in the Ukraine has no relation to reality is something the Senator tried to tell them, but almost all the New York Times readers reject reality in favour of the New York Times depiction of what is happening in the Ukraine.



Lionel is a newscaster who goes just by "Lionel". He is  an antiZionist Jew, but he notes that he has many Zionist friends who used to watch MSNBC but now watch Fox. MSNBC isn't sure about what is happening in the Ghaza, and that upsets the staunch Zionists. They are liberals in most things and used to hate Fox, but now their Zionism trumps everything else.

Fox say that the starvation in Ghaza has nothing to do with Israel: Israel allow huge amounts of food into Ghaza, but Hamas take it all then sell most of it and use the money to buy weapons and leave the civilians to starve. Hamas have converted all the hospitals in the Ghaza into military bases, shooting rockets into Israel and killing Jews, since every single person in the Ghaza is taught from infancy to be a rabid antiSemite who must kill every last Jew. The Ghazan schoolbooks all teach that the only purpose in life for Palestinians is to kill as many Jews as they can. Mosques and churches are used as covers for Hamas military bases. Israel only targets Hamas terrorists, but the Hamas  terrorists keep themselves surrounded by human shields as they are shooting rockets into Israel and killing Jews, so, to protect the innocent Jews in Israel, the Israeli Occupation Force (IOF) have no choice but to bomb the rocket-launching facilities, which kills a few of the human shields Hamas keep inside the facility, but this is the only way the IOF can protect the innocent Jews living in Israel. Armies talk about collateral damage, the percentage of innocent civilians killed by their war against the enemy military. For the US, this is 70%. When the US bomb and kill, 70% were innocent civilians. For the IOF, this number is just 10%, so when the IOF kill, 90% of them were Hamas terrorists and only 10% were innocent civilians. This is the lowest amount of collateral damage of any military anywhere.

Fox note that the number of dead Ghazans is given by Hamas, who lie, so do not believe any of the numbers of dead Ghazans you read in the left-wing antiSemitic press. Do not believe that the IOF have killed more than 15,000 children. They consider everyone 19 years old or younger to be innocent children, when Hamas have 5 year old terrorists, armed and doing all they can to kill Jews, including the IOF soldiers trying to bring peace to Ghaza. We have no idea how many have actually been killed in Ghaza, since we have no independent sources other than Hamas, but Israel and Fox agree that almost all were Hamas terrorists, very few were innocent civilians. 

Fox say President Biden is a rabid antiSemite since he had the US abstain when the Security Council voted that Israel must give Hamas a ceasefire, allowing them to kill more Jews when the IOF is forced to stop pursuing the murderous Hamas terrorists firing rockets at Israel, so please elect someone who is not an antiSemite in November. The fact that Biden said the Security Council resolution was nonbinding wasn't enough, the US should have had the Security Council vote that the UN is behind Israel and supports the brave IOF attempt to protect Israel from the murderous antiSemites in Ghaza.

Even the Israeli press isn't as rabidly antiGhazan as Fox.

Other US news channels are all pro-Israel, but not nearly as much as Fox, and, according to Lionel, the Zionist Jews want 110% pro-Israel news coverage, so they watch Fox. Actually, one can toss in the Christian Zionists, who are also inclined to accept the Fox version of what is happening, but most of the Zionists Lionel knows are Jewish. The actual religion of Zionists is mostly Christian, not Jewish, because there are a lot more Christians than Jews, and some Christians have been preaching Zionism for at least 200 years that we have records of, starting with the British Rev. Keith who wrote in the early 19th century that the UK should send all the British Jews to Palestine, "A land without a people for a people without a land." (I figure, if he were still around, the Rev. Keith would watch Fox along with the BBC.)

The Fox version of the Israeli war on Ghaza has absolutely no connection to reality, but reality is not something the rabid Zionist, Jewish or Christian, wants to see or hear.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Ukraine and Ghaza

Airman Jack Teixeira was sentenced to 16 year in gaol for putting some Top Secret information in an Internet Room for his friends, one of whom posted it publicly. One of the documents says the Russians have lost 10 times as many soldiers as the Ukrainians, and have lost more than 90% of their men and more than 80% of their materiel, and should soon be defeated. Another says the Ukraine have lost 10 times as many men and 10 times as much materiel as Russia and should soon be defeated. Tucker Carlson was fired for saying we must believe the second version, that the Ukraine are losing. All the Western media still reiterate that the Russians are already defeated, their army men and materiel destroyed, and Russia will very soon collapse so that NATO can break Russia up into 10 or 20 small states with 110% of all their energy owned by American oiligarchs, as well that energy should be. 

But independent sources say the other report is the accurate one: Russia have destroyed the Ukrainian/NATO military, with most of the Ukrainian soldiers dead and most of their materiel destroyed. Russia will take all the Slavic parts of the Ukraine and leave the subsequently impoverished Aryan parts for the West to subsidise. While every Western media source I can find says this is false, that the Russians are losing badly, will soon be required to surrender unconditionally, all the non-Western media support this version of reality, and the objective reports seem to indicate that the Russian version is the accurate one: so it is likely Russia will definitely win the Donbas and probably all that is littoral Ukrainian.


Israel have not achieved their main objective in the Ghaza: a total military defeat of Hamas. But it looks like famine will do the job the Israeli Occupation Force (IOF) could not, and kill off just about all the Philistines in the Ghaza, after which the Ghaza can return to full Israeli control of all the oil and gas and transportation facilities. Plus, Israel want the Ghaza as a new maritime port to challenge the Suez in Egypt, and this could happen fairly quickly once the Ghaza is rid of Philistines.


Eid Mubarak to all those who celebrate Eid.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Genocide in Ghaza???

When I was a boy, they taught us that humans were divided into 5 races: in alphabetical order, Black, Brown, Red, White, and Yellow. Science now rejects this: one can find two tribes in Africa where the differences between typical members of each tribe are greater than the differences between members of the tribes and Europeans.

 But then, in the first half of the 20th century, the Nazis said that Europeans are divided into three distinct races: Aryan, Slav, and Jew. As the old story went, a young SS member, sent to separate the Polish into races, asked, ‘How can you tell? They all look the same, they all speak multiple languages, most can understand German.’ The old SS officer said, ‘Watch me.’ They went into a shop, and the old SS officer asked, ‘Do you have any left-handed teapots?’

 The first shop owner said, ‘There is no such thing as a left-handed teapot.’ The older SS officer said, ‘He’s a Slav. If he’ll work as a slave, we’ll let him live; if not, we’ll kill him.’

 They went into a second shop. Again, the older SS officer asked the same question. The shop owner said, ‘Dummkopf. Take any right-handed teapot, turn it 180°, and you have a lefty-handed teapot.’

 ‘He’s an Aryan. He keeps his shop and we’ll also give him the Slav’s shop.’

 They went into a third shop and the older SS officer asked the same question. The shop owner said, ‘Yes, I have one, but it is very rare, so it will cost you ten times as much as a right-handed teapot.’

 ‘He’s a Jew. Send him to the death camp,’ said the senior SS officer.

 The story tells us nothing about Aryans, Slavs, or Jews, and it does not even agree with the book, My Struggle, by the man elected Chancellor of Germany in 1933.

 The book My Struggle says that the Aryans must kill all the Slavs for lebensraum and make Europe Judenfrei by deporting all the Jews. Only the US and UK said that Jews were a big problem, but European Jews were Europe’s problem, they would not allow Europe to inflict their Jewish problem on any other place, so the Nazis, unable to deport the Jews, came up with their ‘Final Solution’ in 1940.

Then, after the Nazis lost, the world realised that the Nazis had killed many Jews (the exact number is not known, but the number 6 million is used as the best estimate we have). So the US insisted on sending most of the surviving Jews in Western Europe to Palestine for reasons that escape us. The British Anglican clergy wanted all Jews removed from Britain, and suggested Palestine as a good place to send them all, since Jesus cannot return until every Jew is in Palestine. But the British wanted Palestine as a British colony, not an option after WWII when the US ended up as the neo-Imperialist ruler of the neo-Colony Western Europe. Instead, Israel would be a US neo-Colony, and all the Jews from Western Europe would be shipped to Palestine. Having no choice, the Jews agreed to be shipped to Palestine and became violent Zionists, determined to take over all of Palestine and evict most of the Palestinians (with full American/Western European support and encouragement).

 As depicted in the 1958 Leon Uris novel Exodus, the Jews came to Palestine in peace but were attacked by the Arabs who were all violent anti-Semites. The novel became a famous film in 1960 starring Paul Newman. The novel has little in common with the actual history, where the Jews evicted almost one million Palestinians from Palestine, something the Palestinians call the Nakba. The Jews and Arabs fought, and, in 1948, the UN divided Palestine into Israel, which was all the land then held by the Jews, and the Arabs were given the West Bank, officially considered part of Jordan, and the Ghaza, officially considered part of Egypt. Then, in 1967, the Jews overran the West Bank, the Ghaza, and also took parts of what had been Lebanon and Syria. The Jews were strongly supported by the US and, to a lesser extent, by Western Europe, who kept them well-armed and easily able to defeat the Arabs. The Jews had total air superiority, and with that, kept total battlefield control.

 The concept of Zionism (but not the name) was stated by the Anglican clergyman Rev. Keith in the early 19th century. He said the UK must not host any of the Jewish deicides, but must send all of them to Palestine, which he said was 'A land without a people for a people without a land.' Seeing that the British wanted them all out of Britain (as must about every country wanted to be rid of Jews) Theodor Herzl, a Jew, said it would be best if all went to Palestine, and coined the word 'Zionism' for the idea that all Jews must go to Palestine. The Great and the Powerful British and Americans said this was how it must be, and what could Jews do but agree and go along with a plan they resisted at their peril, since the UK might decide to start with pogroms if they could not send the Jews to Palestine?

Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Saudi Arabia all tried to regain Palestine for the Palestinians, but could not stand up to Israel backed by the US and Western Europe. The USSR tried to support the Arabs, and the Arabs had a brief success in 1973 when USSR air defence systems allowed Egypt to shoot down the Israeli Air Force and win one battle, but the Israelis managed to slip past the Egyptian guards, destroy the Soviet Air Defence system completely, regain total air dominance and quickly defeat the Arabs. Kissinger was in charge of the US in 1973 because of the Watergate Crisis, and put the US on DEFCON 1, ready to nuke the USSR if they interfered with Israel’s victory over the Arabs, after which the USSR withdrew all support for the Arabs and Israel regained total control. Egypt and Jordan surrendered and made peace with Israel, recognising Israel and establishing diplomatic relations.

 Israel was in close contact with South Africa during the apartheid years, and is not an apartheid state. The word apartheid is a South African word, and only ethnic Europeans, which included Jews from Europe, could be citizens. One drop of African or Asian blood excluded one from being a South African citizen during the apartheid years. Israel has 2.5 million goyim citizens. Two million Palestinians (out of a total of about 7 million) have Israeli citizenship. The other 5 million goyim in Israel are illegal aliens, with no rights of any kind. So not like South African apartheid, since a few goyim have rights, while no non-Europeans had any rights in Apartheid South Africa.

Israel have said they will reduce the number of Philistines in Ghaza to less than 200,000 from an initial population of 2.3 million. Some call this genocide, some do not.

Genocide is killing or displacing an ethnic or religious group only for their ethnicity or religion. So, for example, the Mafia are all Italian, since one must be a member of an Italian family to be in the Mafia, but the US do not go after the Mafia because they are Italian, but because they engage in crime, so this is not genocide.

Israel say that all the Philistines in Ghaza are terrorists, so they are being killed or evicted not because of their ethnicity, but because they are terrorists, so this is not genocide. Some say that one cannot call a small child a terrorist, so the Israelis are killing some Philistines because of their ethnicity, not for any crime. Israel say that most Philistines above the age of 5 years or so are trained to engage in terrorist acts, and the deaths of those younger than 5 are collateral damage. The US had up to 90% collateral damage in Iraq, killing ten times as many non-combatants as combatants, while Israel has about 10% collateral damage, the lowest collateral damage of any combatant, only one dead civilian for every 10 dead terrorists, hence not genocide. But not everyone comes up with the same ratio of collateral damage in Ghaza as the Israelis.

The Israeli version is that the only genocide in the Ghaza was on 7 October, when Hamas terrorists murdered more than 1,000 Israelis, raping and murdering many women and killing many babies. I have heard, on Afshin Rattansi’s “Going Underground”, Alan Dershowitz, Emeritus Professor at Harvard Law School and author of War Against the Jews: How to End Hamas Barbarism say he has seen videotapes, made by Hamas, showing their rapes and murders of women and babies on 7 October. Max Blumenthal of the Grayzone says careful study shows that those videotapes of ‘rapes’ and ‘murders’ by Hamas are provably fakes, one of the graphic videos of rape and murder can be traced to a film posted on the Internet in 2022, which conclusively debunks the veracity of those films presented as proof of Hamas terrorists raping Israeli women on 7 October 2023. Prof Dershowitz says that Blumenthal (who considers himself a Jew) is a rabid anti-Semite and a liar, and the veracity of those films has been verified. (The weight of the evidence is with Blumenthal, but that will never convince those who are sure the films show real rapes and murders of Israeli women on 7 October 2023.) As Blumenthal says, Israel studied the best ways to demonise the Hamas fighters, discovered that rape raised the most outrage, and proceeded to scour the Internet for graphic videos of real rapes and murders, none of which actually took place in Israel.

At this point, it looks like Israel will reduce the population of Palestinians in the Ghaza to less than 200,000 by starvation. The US fully supports the Israeli blockade of all food for the Ghaza Palestinians. The US did drop some food on the Palestinians, and the falling food packages killed some Palestinians.

Israel made life very difficult for the Palestinians in Ghaza before 7 October, food was limited, power was limited, building materials were limited, so not much prospects for those Palestinians locked in the Ghaza. Did this justify insurrection? Hamas and their supporters say ‘Yes!’ The Israeli and American governments and their supporters in Western Europe say, ‘No!’

Will the world let Israel and the US starve most of the Palestinians in Ghaza to death, or will some country agree to take some of the Palestinians and let them live, and if so, under what conditions?

I know a Jordanian who says there is no hunger in Ghaza, those photographs of starving children are not from Ghaza, Israel is allowing more than enough food into Ghaza, and he has verified that Jordan is sending more than 2,000 calories per Ghazan per day, so there is no hunger, no starvation. But I have no idea where he gets such information that is contradicted by the photographs everyone can see of starving children who are obviously Palestinians in Ghaza. I know a Moroccan who says that Jordan has not provided more than a minuscule few calories to Ghaza, it was Morocco that sent more than enough food to feed all the Ghazans. Most observers in Israel and Egypt say almost all that food donated for the Palestinians is still in Israel and Egypt, Israel will not let more than about one meal per week per resident of Ghaza, so we are starting to see many deaths, starting with the children.

Net: there is no agreement at all about Ghaza. Some, including some I know personally, say the Israelis are treating the Ghazans well, they are all getting plenty to eat, none except terrorists are being killed. Most agree that Israel, with full US/Western European/Arab support, have killed more than 30,000 Ghazans by bombing and shooting, mostly non-combatant women and children, and are starving almost everyone in Ghaza, with a goal of fewer than 200,000 Ghazans in Israel out of a population of 2.3 million, either by death or deportation if any other country will accept them (doesn’t matter which to the Israelis/Americans/Western Europeans).

In any case, death and/or deportation of any Palestinians in Ghaza only because they are Palestinians is genocide, by the definition of genocide. The Israelis claim the extermination and/or deportation is not because they are Palestinians but is only because they are all, including small Ghazan children, terrorists, in which case it is not genocide.

But the Americans, Arabs, and Western Europeans do not want to be seen as complicit in the eradication of all Ghazans by starvation so they pretend they are getting plenty of food into the Ghaza, more than 2,000 calories per person per day, a pretension that is rather obviously false.

But as long as one classifies all Palestinian children, including newborns, as terrorists, this is not genocide.

However, if one says that small children cannot be considered terrorists, then they are being killed only because they are Palestinians, and that meets the definition of genocide.

Monday, March 4, 2024

Israeli Jews are Slaves of Zionism

 The word Zionism was coined by Theodor Herzl, a Jew, in 1897. But the concept (without a word to describe it) had been firmly documented since 1843 when Rev. Keith, an Anglican clergyman, proposed sending all the British Jews to Palestine, 'A land without a people for a people without a land,' or maybe 'A country without a people for a people without a country.' People heard him say it, and it got written down, but his exact version remains a bit of a mystery.

Many Christian believe that Jews, deicides all, must not be allowed to live with Christians, and Zionist Christians, who have enough votes to influence elections in many predominantly Christian countries, believe that Jesus cannot return until all the Jews are in Palestine. So the British Anglican clergy were, for the most part, convinced that all British Jews must be sent to Palestine, and, after the defeat of the Ottomans, the British and French divided the Ottoman Empire, splitting all the Ottoman Vilayets into many small pieces, where parts of predominantly Sunni, Shi'a , and Kurdish regions were reformed into French and British colonies with a mixture of Sunni, Shi'a, and Kurds who disliked each other and could not agree on much of anything, making it easier for the British and French to control their new colonies.

But Palestine was 92% Palestinians, so Britain sent enough Jews to make it about 40% Jewish, with animosity between Jews and Palestinians stoked so they would not be able to challenge British Imperial Rule (but then the Jews blew up the King David Hotel when it was full of British Imperial officers).

Still, the British mostly had British Palestine under British Imperial Rule, and refused to accept Jews from other European countries. The British figured Jews were a problem, but European Jews were a European problem and Europe must be prevented from inflicting their problems on any other part of the planet.

Then came WWII, and the US decided to ship all the Jews in Western Europe to Palestine.

The official US story is based on the 1958 book of Exodus by Leon Uris (made into a movie in 1960), where the Jews were forced from Europe to Palestine, they came in peace, unarmed, only to be attacked by the Arabs who wanted to finish what the Nazis started, but the Jews were miraculously saved.

In fact, the Jews were heavily armed and expelled more than 700,000 Palestinians from Palestine. Part of the blame is laid on the Arab heads of state who suggested it would be better for the Palestinians to leave Palestine where a major war would drive the Jews out, after which they could safely return, only those 700,000 Palestinians who left until the Arab armies could retake Palestine remain in refugee camps in Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan to this day. And they call their expulsion from Palestine their Nakba or catastrophe. As do most of the Palestinians who remained in Israel, where they have few rights and are under constant threat of expulsion.

The situation is complicated since, of the 7 million or so Palestinians in Israel, Israel gave 2 million passports and said they are welcome to remain in Israel, own land, vote in elections, and have full rights.

But the other 5 million Palestinians who were in Palestine before the Jews were sent from the UK and Europe are illegal aliens with no rights. Those in Ghaza were limited in what they could do, how much food they could grow or fish, and had barely enough to eat, and housing lacking many amenities. They were walled in with a wired wall that would indicate any attempt to break out or bring in food or weapons or tools or just about anything. Three battalions patrolled that wall to ensure nothing got in or out.

And then, in October 2023, the battalions were ordered to go to the West Bank, the monitors of the detection devices looking for breaches of the wall were unstaffed, and Hamas managed to blow up a section of the wall. As they explored the area near the wall, Hamas found a fortress full of sleeping Israeli Occupation Force (IOF) soldiers with no guards and the gates unlocked, so Hamas were able to kill some of the soldiers and try to kidnap the rest.

Hamas attempted to kidnap a large number of Israelis, but Israel have a policy of killing all potential hostages, and the IOF managed to kill hundreds of Israelis who might have been taken hostage. A team of propagandists were sent to study the remains of the attack by Hamas and counterattack by the IOF, and they reported that Hamas had raped and murdered women and babies, but without a shred of proof or evidence. Still, their claim remains Gospel to all the Western media, and is an essential part of the Western narrative.

That Western narrative says the only genocide was on 7 October: every Philistine in Ghaza is determined to exterminate every last Jew on Earth, and Israel must try to protect the Jews from annihilation, and the only way to achieve that is by removing all the Philistines from Ghaza.

Israel propose that Hamas surrender and release all hostages, after which some Philistines will be incarcerated, some executed, and the rest deported. The Philistines have shown no inclination to accept this, which the Western narrative says is the only possible solution, so stopping all food from going to Ghaza, destroying all crops and water facilities is essential if peace is to be brought back to Ghaza.

So far, Israel seems to have killed about 30,000 Palestinians, but deaths from thirst and starvation are just now starting, and, if Hamas do not surrender and no other country accept the Philistines, the Israeli and American governments hope this will eliminate the Philistine problem from Ghaza once and for all: no ceasefire, no food allowed into Ghaza (a few food drops into the ocean, where starving Philitines might drown trying to get it, and the food that lands on land protected by IOF machine gun fire killing all those who try to get any of it).

And, according to the Western narrative, this is altogether fitting and proper, the only possible way to deal with the Philistines in Ghaza.

Of course, the US and Israel are not the entire world, and the impact of this policy on the rest of the world remains to be seen, and how it will affect the Israeli economy and the viability of Israel as a state.

So Zionism has enslaved the Jews, and it is looking like the end will not be very good for the Jews.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

In the news

 I remember reading back in 2022 that the Ukrainians, with ultra-advanced NATO weapons, were wiping out the Russians who only had 'outmoded and inept' weapons. I keep reading the same thing: NATO weapons have twice the range of Russian weapons and much greater accuracy, so the Ukraine have killed off more than 90% of the Russian invasion force and destroyed more than 80% of Russian armour with minimal losses. Victory is near, or, as President Brandon says, 'Russia has already lost.'

But, of course, that great victory for democracy, which did not cost a single American life, will be lost if the US do not give the Ukraine another $100 billion in cash and weapons immediately, if not sooner. And not giving those weapons to the Ukraine means many jobs making those weapons will be lost in the US.

Now we read that the Jews fled from Europe after WWII to Palestine, where they came in peace, but the fanatical jihadist Arab terrorists attacked them and tried to complete Hitler's genocide. Again and again the Jews offered peace only for the Arabs again and again trying to complete Hitler's genocide.

It seems that not everyone reiterates the Official Western Version of the facts/news/history/etc.,etc.

For starters, Lee Camp explains why all of Ben Shapiro's claims about what is happening in Israel are lies. Lee Camp calls himself an anti-Zionist Jew, while Ben Shapiro is a strongly Zionist Jew. Times change. When I was a boy and WWII and the Nazi genocide of Jews was still a fresh and vivid memory, almost all Americans were Zionists: Jews supported having Israel as a place to which they could run whenever antisemitism arose and threatened their lives, and Christians supported Zionism since Christ cannot return until every Jew is in Israel. Today, 40% of American Jews are anti-Zionist, since they believe Judaism cannot support genocide of Philistines, and they do not consider the Israeli government to be practicing the Jewish religion the way it should be practiced.

Lee Camp has a second video going into the lies in the Western media about the Ghaza and the Ukraine.

In a third short video, Tucker Carlson complains about the fact that the news keep repeating what the government tell them to repeat without bothering to report the actual news. This video is an advert to promote his interview with Putin which will soon be available for free on his website. This interview has been condemned by the US news and Congress even before it has been conducted and posted.

So three videos, the two by Lee Camp total about an hour, 20 minutes for the first and 40 minutes for the second. The Tucker Carlson ad for his upcoming interview with Putin is about four minutes.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

President Biden's Video????

 The US is dedicated to helping Israel cleanse Palestine of all the Palestinians. As President Biden said, he saw videos of Palestinians raping Jewish women and beheading Jewish babies, and the US will not allow such things.

For starters, Max Blumenthal, an anti-Zionist Jew, wrote that the Israeli hasbara of rapes and babies beheaded is entirely false.

But now PressTV, banned just about everywhere, has a new show, EXPOSÉ, that presents the refutation of the Israel/US hasbara in more detail than Blumenthal.

In the Western press, Hamas raped women and beheaded babies. But the 'proof' of any of this is sadly lacking, as in non-existent, as in the whole story of raped women and beheaded babies is either mostly or entirely a US/Israeli lie.

But no matter: Israel is another unsinkable US Aircraft Carrier, and the US will support Israel's expulsion of all the illegal Philistines in Israel. And maybe the illegal Christians as well. The fact that they have been in Palestine for at least 4,000 years and have nowhere to go is irrelevant: the US want all of Palestine in Jewish hands, and that's all that matters.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Thomas Friedman's Latest in the New York Times

Friedman has a new column in the New York Times, with a rather limited anchor in TRVTH.

He starts by saying the world is divided into democracies and autocracies, and there is the Resistance Movement, dedicated to preserving the autocracies, and the Inclusion Movement who want to join the Democracies.

The Ukrainians are all in the Inclusion Movement, fighting hard to join the democracies as Putin is futilely trying to keep them under his autocracy. This is only costing the US a few dollars, the Ukrainians are doing all the dying that NATO must spend to stop the evil Putin, so the Ukrainians are saving American lives.

And the war has cost Putin 90% of all the soldiers in the Russian army and most of his tanks. Putin only has outmoded Soviet and Czarist weapons while NATO weapons have twice the range and much greater accuracy, so the Ukrainians have destroyed Putin's army at the cost of a relatively few Ukrainian lives.

I've seen this reiterated in all the Western media. Not just the New York Times, but CNN, the BBC, and Yahoo News.

Of course, those actually in the Ukraine reporting have rather a different take, but what do they know? To report accurately about the Ukraine one should do most of the writing in New York and London and Paris and Berlin, getting your information from your government's information office. A trip to Kiev is OK, but don't go into the Ukrainian countryside or you could end up like Gonzalo Lira, and that would be entirely your own fault.

Don't believe Russian disinformation that it is Russia that killed off at least three Ukrainian armies, and the Ukraine are now drafting women, even pregnant women, since Russia have killed off most of the male draftees.

Officially, Russia were just like Saudi Arabia, selling energy to Europe and using the money to buy everything they needed from Europe. Sanctions cut off all their money, so the Russian military had no financial support and had to use old, inept, outmoded, and in very poor repair Soviet and even Czarist weapons, and had very little ammunition. Ignore the fact that the PRC where, when I was a boy, people dreamed of someday owning a bicycle but knowing that was just a dream, is now the country with the most cars and which buys the most oil, and pays more than the super discounted price Russia gave to Europe to buy their friendship. The PRC, where those in the north were barely able to keep their homes above freezing in the winter, now provide ample heat, and so buy more gas than any other nation. So Russia had money and materials coming in and restarted all the industries closed when Russia were buying almost everything from Europe. And the Russian defence industry is now the most advanced in the world. Remember, all the West, all the Western news media say that is all just Russian disinformation. All the Russian defence industry was outsourced to Europe, so their military only had outmoded and inept equipment, and all the Russian soldiers have been killed and all the Russian tanks destroyed by the brave, well trained, and well equipped Ukrainians. But we do need to give the Ukraine a lot more money, but that's still cheap at half the price.

Meanwhile, Hamas and Iran are also in that Resistance Movement, while Israel and Saudi Arabia are very much in the Inclusion Movement. Saudi will soon be 'a Dubai on steroids' according to Friedman, and will work closely with Israel to join the Democracies of the world.

OK, I'm close enough to see Saudi and Israel, and that Inclusion Movement and their rush toward Democracy don't look all that much better than the autocracy movement, rather worse if one looks too closely.

So stick with Friedman and the New York Times: the Hamas attack on 7 October was unendurable, and Israel have the right to self defence. Israel are providing food and medical care to the Ghazans injured by Hamas, so all claims of genocide are pure lies. The Ghazans can't see that food, and nor can I, but if Friedman and the New York Times say Israel is providing the Ghazans more than enough food and medical care, we must believe him and not our own eyes. His information is much better than ours. Some say that, as an occupying power, international law does not, in fact, give Israel any right to self defence, and certainly no right to block all food going into Ghaza, but Friedman knows what International Law should be, favouring the US as the Leader of Democracy, so whatever the US does and supports is the Law, not what's written in some old books like the ones still available in South Africa that they tried to bring before the ICJ. Nothing Israel does can be considered genocide when the US says it can't possibly be genocide.

As Friedman concludes, Netanyahu hoped to convince Saudi to fully join the Inclusion Movement without giving the slightest concession to the Ghazans, when it would be so easy to get diplomatic recognition by Saudi for Israel if Netanyahu would offer some minuscule, insignificant token and call it full freedom for the Palestinians. No need to give any real concessions, just some meaningless, token concessions, but Netanyahu says Saudi are so desperate to be in the Inclusion Movement that not even a token will be necessary, Saudi will eventually come round, the Inclusion Movement is just too tempting to resist.

And this is making it harder and requiring more time, and Friedman can't understand why Netanyahu is doing this when that meaningless concession would be so much easier and quicker.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Palestine and Zionism

The word 'Zionism' was coined by a Jew in the second half of the 19th century. The idea was formed by an Anglican clergyman named Rev. Keith in the first half of the 19th century: he said 'Palestine is a land without a people for a people without a land.' The Anglican clergy did not want Jews, whom they considered deicides, living in the UK, they wanted them all sent back to Palestine.

The Greeks transliterated the Hebrew word as Φιλιστιν, or Philistine. The Romans transliterated it as Palestine. The first Hebrew letter can be pronounced like the Greek Φ or the Roman P, and the vowels are not written in Hebrew. But in the 19th century, the Roman province of Palestine was a small part of the Ottoman vilayet of Syria. Then the Ottoman Empire somehow found themselves as part of the Central Powers in WWI, and lost, and all their Asian vilayets were chopped up and split between the French and the British, and the British got Palestine and Jordan, both formerly parts of Syria, and the French got Syria and Lebanon, both also once parts of Syria. And the British wrote the Balfour Declaration and the Mandate that Palestine was for British Jews. The UK would have liked to force all UK Jews to Palestine, and they got quite a few to go. Palestine went from almost all Palestinians to about 30% British Jews.

Russian Jews, about half of all Jews worldwide, were in the Pale, and suffered pogroms, so some of them wanted to go, but the British said Palestine was only for UK Jews. And anyway, the Russian Empire ended, and the USSR banned ethnic groupings and religion, so there were no Jews in the USSR, but anyone caught practicing the Jewish religion, or any other religion, would be punished. And no one was allowed to leave the USSR. Or the Warsaw Pact, for that matter (but a few managed to escape).

The Nazis wanted a Judenfrei Europe, but, again, the UK said that, while all Jews are a problem, European Jews were a European problem and the Royal Navy would prevent any from being shipped out of Europe. So the Nazis rounded up the Jews, put them in Concentration Camps, which were originally not so bad, a German confined in one in the early '30s wrote that he was there for a year or so and nothing bad happened. But, with WWII, the Axis was short of food, so they starved those in the Concentration Camps, and, as one starves, the immune system weakens and the inmates started getting bad infections and infecting the guards, so the Germans ordered anyone who could not work be killed and the body burned.

The best estimates are that the Germans murdered between 4.5 million to 6 million Jews.

There is, of course, one and only one war crime: losing the war. After they lost the war, any German who had anything to do with killing Jews was severely punished by the Allies.

The Germans also killed Slavs for lebensraum, and considered Slavs as terrible, a race to be exterminated, but, since this is an obvious fact in the West, the Western allies rewarded and honoured Germans who killed Slavs. Quite recently, Canada gave an elderly Nazi a standing ovation for his valuable contribution killing Slavs during WWII, fighting with Canada against the USSR.

But what to do with the survivors in the West European concentration camps? The US said, 'Send them all to Palestine,' and that was done. Well armed, they started killing Philistines, who were advised by the Arabs to flee Palestine until the Jews could be killed by the Arab armies. Only the Arab armies lost. The Philistines who fled Palestine was never allowed to return, and no one knows what to do with them. Most are still in refugee camps, not citizens of any state.

The Jews forced into Palestine want the whole state, but it's not quite Apartheid. The South Africans would not let anyone with a drop of Asian or African blood to become a citizen, but a European Jew was considered European, and was welcomed as a citizen. Israel made 2 million Palestinians legal to stay in Palestine, something South Africa under Apartheid would never have done. But the rest of the Palestinians, about 5.5 million, are illegal aliens.

Israel have said that the events of 7 October 2023 mean those 5.5 million must be removed, one way or the other. If some other country will take them, Israel will send them. If not, they must be killed. So far, Israel has only killed about 26,000 Philistines in  Ghaza, but they have a strict limit of two trucks of food a day, so more than a million Philistines are in danger of death from starvation. Since the Ghaza have no guards inside the Ghaza (there are three batallions of Israeli soldiers outside the Ghaza, guarding that no Ghazan gets out) so if epidemics spread inside Ghaza, they should not infect the Jews outside the Ghaza. And no one seems to care, if no country will take them in, the rest of the world have no objection if Israel kill all the Philistines.

Of course, one question is, 'Why ship all the European and UK Jews to Palestine in the first place? Wasn't that wrong? Didn't Palestine belong to the Palestinians?'

And then, after the US sent all the Western European Jews to Palestine, many Muslim countries punished the Jews living there for something they had nothing to do with, so they fled to Israel since no other place would take them.And after the USSR collapsed, so did the economy, and many former USSR and Warsaw Pact Jews went to Israel.

But now, after more than 70 years, Morocco says they'll be glad to take back all the Jews they evicted in 1948. That's a start. Most of the European Jews in Israel have two passports, so they could leave. No one wants the Philistines, so why not let the Jews go back where they came from and let the Philistines stay in Palestine?

But the Israeli Jews have the full power of the US military behind them, and no one seems to care if they exterminate 5.5 million Philistines, and no one seems to want those 5.5 million Philistines, so it is looking like Israel will starve at least two million to death. And then they'll think about the best way to get rid of the remaining 3.5 million. And the world figures that's OK.

Or at least the world leaders all figure that's all for the best. The world has a lot of people protesting, saying what Israel is doing is wrong, saying their country should help the Palestinians, but their leaders know it's best to close their double-pane windows and drapes so they can't see or hear those protests.

Monday, January 22, 2024

New, Clear Fizz-on

Iran has been less than a month away from a nuke for more than 20 years now.

But the secret has been out since 1945.

It started in 1942 when the US put together the Chicago Pile, reported in newspapers across the world. The Chicago Pile was 60 tonnes of uranium. Most of that was uranium oxide, but about 15% was metallic uranium. Uranium naturally oxidises, so it is usually found as the oxide, which is yellow, and so is called yellowcake. It is easy enough to refine the metal from the oxide, but, as calculated by the scientists who put together the Chicago Pile, this was not necessary for the whole pile.

And, when they put the pile together, Bingo! they had a chain reaction: the pile got hot. So they put in the dampers that stopped the chain reaction. All this got well reported, then it all disappeared under a cloak of Top Secrecy. Everyone and everything was secretly moved to several places, among them Los Alamos, New Mexico which appeared on no maps.

One of my high school professors said he'd spent WWII separating U235 from the rest of the uranium, which was U238, and this was the key to creating the atomic bombs dropped on Japan. Of course, his actual work was Top Secret, so I have no idea what he really did.

After the US nuked Japan, they said they'd used bombs made from U235, and the big effort was separating out the U235 by fluorinating all the uranium then centrifuging the uranium fluoride gas until the U235 was separated out, and this had taken 3 years.

I remember a Walt Disney cartoon book where they had a tiny speck of U235; and the scientist tossed it into a great canyon. Someone said, 'Nothing happened,' and the scientist replied, 'It hasn't hit bottom yet.' When the tiny speck finally did hit bottom, there was a huge explosion that filled the entire canyon.

However, since 1945, no one else has managed to get a critical mass of U235 by fluorinating and centrifuging uranium. And then it turned out that the US finally admitted that only one bomb was U235, the other was plutonium.

Basically, if one has 60 tonnes of uranium one can easily cause a chain reaction (the pile has to be sculptured correctly, and plates of other substances have to be placed correctly), and if one lets the chain reaction continue for three years, one gets several critical masses of plutonium, which is easily separated and made into nukes. But the plutonium was the Top Secret bit, the US hoped everyone would waste time on fluorinating and centrifuging uranium.

But the USSR knew about the Chicago pile, which was public, and they knew what it was for, but in 1942, they had no idea if it would work. In 1945, they did know, so they built a 60 tonne pile of uranium and in 1949, the USSR had a nuke. For which two Jews were executed by the US for giving the USSR the secret that wasn't really a secret.

Iran do not have 60 tonnes of uranium, so they cannot create that chain reaction that produces plutonium, hence they are fluorinating and centrifuging uranium. And have been less than a month from a nuke for 20 years.

Basically, everyone who wanted a nuke and had 60 tonnes of uranium has a nuke. Everyone who has 60 tonnes (or more) of uranium and does not have a nuke does not want a nuke. And everyone who wants a nuke and does not have one does not have access to 60 tonnes of uranium.

It is said (and Israel wants everyone to believe) that they hijacked a ship with 100 tonnes of uranium on board. The owners of the ship never said anything, and one can certainly imagine why they did not. But did this really happen? Do Israel really have 100 or so nukes?

In any case, Israel (and Fox News) want a US invasion of Iran, regime change, and permanent prevention of any nuclear labs of any kind anywhere in Iran.

Not clear if those really in charge of the US military will order that invasion of Iran, or how such an invasion will go.

Friday, January 19, 2024

My father and me

When my father was the age I am now, when he read the newspaper, he knew he'd seen it all before. He was 20 years younger when the US put a couple of men on the moon, so that was old, and new attempts to do stuff in space were all old (and not that impressive). The new wars were like wars he'd seen before, and likewise the inflation, the recessions, & etc..

Now, when I read the newspapers, I don't recognise anything.

After WWII, the US produced more than 50% of World GDP. The animated short film, "Meet King Joe", made in 1949, was about the typical US factory worker. The film starts with the question: "Doesn't the factory owner get $millions while the worker gets wages that are barely enough to live on?" The answer (back then) was, 'NO!' The factory worker with all the machines was immensely productive, so he earned quite a large salary, 100 times as much as a Chinese coolie. That was then, when taxes on income more than 5 times the average US income were 91%; with state income taxes (and most business headquarters were in places like New York with 10% state income tax on incomes more than 5 times the average) amounted to 101%, so management could not pay themselves more than 5 times the average US income, so a lot of "King Joe's" production went to "King Joe". The Chinese coolie did everything manually, so he was only 1% as productive as "King Joe" and only earned 1% as much.

That was 1949. Now, rich Americans earn thousands, maybe tens of thousands, of times as much as average Americans. And most workers are not factory workers with their productivity multiplied hundreds of times by the machines they operate, so they don't produce that much, and the rich get most of what they produce.

Back in 1970, the top GDP countries were the US, then the USSR, then Japan, Germany, France, the UK, Italy, and Canada. The USSR didn't associate nor trade much with the West, and the other 7 countries formed the G7 with most of the world's GDP.

The typical Chinese person dreamed of a bicycle, but knew that dream would probably never come true. The US produced some oil, but almost every adult American had a car, so the US bought much of the oil the Middle East could produce. China had few cars, didn't need much oil, couldn't afford much oil, and so had little impact on the oil market.

Saudi and the US were firmly locked in a strategic embrace: the US desperately needed Saudi oil, and Saudi desperately needed US cash and protection.

When the Ayatollah took over Iran, the US imposed a strict blockade, and the Iranian economy fell by more than 50%. No one dared buy Iranian oil in violation of the US blockade. The US could shoot down an Iranian airliner with more than 2000 passengers and Iran could do nothing.

That was then.

Today, most Chinese have cars. The PRC are the biggest oil importer in the world (and Bharat/India now have enough cars to be a major oil consumer, but nothing like the PRC).

So, in 2021, a huge fleet of oil tankers and some destroyers arrived at the Iranian oil port and loaded with Iranian oil, then, protected by the PLAN, all the oil tankers made it back to the PRC. The Iranian economy has grown rapidly since 2021.

The three biggest economies by GDP are now: 1) the PRC; 2) the US; and 3) Bharat.

So when the PRC went to Saudi and Iran and said, 'Make peace,' both meekly said,'Yes, sir.'

And after I saw the US do all it could to avoid WWIII, now I see the US doing everything it can to start WWIII to preserve US hegemony.

It's a world I've never seen before, and I'm not sure if it's better or worse (of course, if the US starts WWIII, that'll be a lot worse than anything I've ever seen).

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Who and what is ZAKA???

 The New York Times recently had a long article about ZAKA. ZAKA, according to the New York Times, are responsible to cleaning up after terrorist attacks on Israel, so they had to go on 7 October to collect all the 1,200 dead bodies. They saw children beheaded and burned by Hamas, they saw many, many women brutally raped then murdered. The New York Times admit that ZAKA are not forensic experts, they did not have actual rape kits, but the sights and smells showed the horrors Hamas inflicted on 1,200 innocent Israeli civilians. One did not need a rape kit to see that the women had obviously been raped and murdered. The members of ZAKA are still suffering from their memories of the sights and smells of the murder scenes, from the horrors that the Philistines from Ghaza inflicted on the innocent Israeli civilian women and children. Hamas, according to ZAKA, the Israeli government, the New York Times, and the US government, are rabid Antisemites who want to start by killing every Jew in Israel, then continue to kill every Jew in the world. And if the US do not stop them, who will? The Ghaza holds more than 2 million Nazis who are all determined to commit genocide, to murder all the Jews. The tiny, unarmed population of Israel are trying to fight the monsters of Hamas, but they cannot do so without a lot of help from the US, help the US must provide in the name of decency and humanity.

A month ago, The Grayzone also had a long article about ZAKA. They said ZAKA are an Israeli hasbara organisation, that ZAKA write stories that make Israel the poor, innocent victim of Antisemitism, of attacks by people who want to exterminate every last Jew, who murder babies, who rape and murder Jewish woman, stories that are all provably false. The beheaded babies? Israel gave a list of all the victims of 7 October, and the identities of the 'beheaded babies' don't match any of the dead on the official list. There is no proof of a single rape, all the available evidence shows ZAKA are lying.

So one must either believe all the Western media, who, since 2013 must publish/broadcast what they are ordered to publish/broadcast by their governments, or The Grayzone who are an independent publication run by anti-Zionist Jews who believe in the truth.

Friday, January 12, 2024

Israel on Trial at the ICJ

Pretty much the entire UN Security Council voted for a ceasefire in Ghaza several times, but the US vetoed every time.

So South Africa filed a case of genocide against Israel in the International Court of Justice (ICJ). South Africa spent Thursday presenting the case, and Israel responded on Friday. The ICJ already found Israel guilty of violating Philistine rights years ago, but Israel refused to do any of the things the ICJ ordered. So if the ICJ find Israel guilty of genocide, the clearing of Ghaza will continue. As Israel and the US both reiterate, one must not abuse the word genocide, and Israel cannot commit genocide. Hamas did commit genocide on 7 October, but Israel's response has been very moderate. As the US said they had confirmed (or as The Gray Zone says, the US repeated what Israel told them) there were no hospitals, schools, mosques, nor churches in Ghaza, all were Hamas military facilities disguised as hospitals, schools, mosques, and churches, and were used to fire rockets at Israel, so all had to be destroyed, along with the human shields Hamas forced to remain with the terrorists firing the rockets.

In fact, Israel say every man, woman, and child in Ghaza is a Nazi, all are determined to exterminate every Jew in Israel, and that's just for starters, their goal is to exterminate every Jew in the world. How 5,000 or so with limited weaponry are going to exterminate every last Jew might not be clear to the goyim, but Israel are sure that it is true, so all those Nazis must be stopped before they can succeed in their evil plan.

Actually, Israel say they would be willing to let all the women and children go to any other country, but they cannot allow a single one of those Ghaza Nazis to remain in Ghaza, so if no other country will take them, all must be killed, but Israel are innocent, it is all those other countries who are killing those women and children by not giving them a place to live outside Israel.

So we know the US will pressure the ICJ to find Israel innocent, but, based on the previous case, a likely outcome will be that the court will find Israel guilty but the US will block the ICJ from imposing the slightest penalty on their unsinkable aircraft carrier in the Middle East.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024


 The word 'Zionist' was coined by a British Jew in the late19th century, but the concept is recorded (without the name) in the first half of the 19th century when the (Anglican) Rev. Keith said that Palestine was 'a land without a people for a people without a land'.

The overwhelming majority of Zionists are Christians who know that Jesus cannot return before every Jew is in Palestine.

Jewish Zionists are more of a mixed lot, with some figuring Palestine is for the Jews, so they moved there, and some figuring Palestine is for other Jews, so they tithe in support of the State of Israel; however, most of the world's Jews living outside Palestine have no desire to move to Palestine nor to pay for other Jews to colonise Palestine.

Israel made 2 million Philistines legal in Israel, but there are more than 7 million Philistines living in Israel, so more then 5 million are illegals as far as Israel is concerned, and they want them all gone, one way or the other. Officially, there are two million Nazis in Ghaza, and all must be removed. If some other country will take them, women and children can leave. Israel keeps saying they never wanted to kill any women or children, but Hamas use the women and children as human shields as they fire rockets to kill Israelis, so what can the Israeli Occupation Force (IOF) do? They must protect Israelis from the rockets, and the only way to do that results in the deaths of some women and children, but this is all the fault of Hamas, not Israel.

And, of course, it is also the fault of those countries that refuse to take in the women and children Philistines who must leave Israel or die.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

What is really happening in Ghaza?

Ramzy Baroud believes that Israel does not tell the truth about what is happening in Ghaza, he believes Hamas who put out videos on saying they have killed more Israelis and destroyed far more tanks than Israel admit.

On the other hand, Brian Berletic notes that the videos of the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) killing many of the 1,200 Israelis killed on 7 October might be fake, as well as the Hamas videos showing the destruction of Israeli tanks, so probably Israel, with the strongest military in the Middle East, are slowly destroying Hamas at a cost of about 160 dead IOF members for 5,000 or more neutralised Hamas terrorists, along with the destruction of most of the Hamas tunnel network.

Reading both Baroud and Berletic, I can't figure out which one is the more believable.

But the fact that Israel asked for a week-long ceasefire to analyse and modify their strategy and tactics, then resumed their attack on Hamas for three weeks, and are now asking for another week-long ceasefire would seem to indicate that things are not going all that well for the IOF in their efforts to destroy Hamas. They had one obvious victory in Beirut. Hezbollah have threatened retaliation, but, again, I read that in the 2006 war, Israel destroyed the Hezbollah forces and bought themselves a few years peace with no threat from Hezbollah, and I also heard from another source that Israel lost many troops and a lot of equipment and failed to neutralise Hezbollah or remove them from the part of Lebanon adjacent to Israel as the Israeli spokespersons claimed Israel had done.

In any case, Israel have promised to destroy Beirut for starters, and then most of the rest of Lebanon if Hezbollah try to intervene in support of Hamas. So it is not clear what, if anything, Hezbollah will do now.


Israel and the US both say the bombing at the 4 year anniversary of General Suleimani's death from a US drone strike, a bombing that killed more than 100, was by Iranians who dislike the current regime, neither Israel nor the US had anything to do with it. The Western establishment media all accept whatever version of reality is promulgated by the US and Israel, but not everyone agrees, many figure Israel, with or without US help, managed to set up the bombs that killed so many at the 4-year memorial. But how can anyone be certain who was responsible for the bombs that were remotely detonated at the memorial?


Meanwhile, today's rumour is that the US are in negotiations with some African countries to take all the Ghazan women and children: Israel do not want to be forced to kill all of them. Twenty three thousand Philistines from Ghaza are dead, and all those who might have been members of Hamas must die, but Israel and the US would like all the rest of the women and children to go to Africa so Israel will not be forced to kill them all in self defence.