Monday, September 6, 2021

Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Website back up

 The US has complete control over all .com .org and .net accounts. Anyone with such an account can be shut down by the US, as they did with the Persian News channel and , and as they did with the Islamic Emirate .com and .net accounts.

But the Islamic Emirate figured out where to buy a .asia name, so their website is back up where it is more difficult for the US to take it down.

Russia uses a .com website for its propaganda channel, but (so far) the US has not taken it down. The US insists on a disclaimer that everything on the site is just Russian propaganda, but the Kremlin must figure that a .com address is easier to remember than a .ru address. And the people who read the Russia propaganda website figure it's not a bad idea to read all sides, so they're not put off by the mandatory disclaimer.

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