The collapse of the USSR left the world with a single Superpower, a hegemon that had no limits. The US immediately moved to bomb Iraq and Yugoslavia. Before, the USSR would have prevented the US from doing that, but there was no more USSR. So the US destroyed Yugoslavia, declared the Orthodox Serbs guilty and the Western Christians and Muslims innocent: if they killed Orthodox Serbs, that was their right. The International Court followed the US and said all the Serbs were war criminals for killing Muslims, and all the Muslims were innocent: killing Orthodox Serbs was just natural and right. And with no USSR, Russia was too weak to do anything.
The Russian military is about 10% of the NATO military, maybe less. So the US figure Grenada and Panama were more difficult to stop than Russia. The French invaded Russia, and that fellow with the red beard invaded the USSR, but both lost a lot of time and materiel crossing the Ukraine, and both lost in Russia proper. Fortunately, the US intend to make the Ukraine a US military base, so the US attack on Russia will start from the eastern Ukraine. Only Russia don't seem to accept that, and they are moving into the eastern Ukraine.
After WWI, Russia ended at the Dnieper River. After WWII, Stalin annexed a lot of land west of the Dnieper, and those annexed, Slavs and Germanics, hate everything Russian. So, with US money and weapons, those who strongly supported Chancellor Schickelgruber in WWII took over the Ukraine and made everything Russian illegal, made speaking Russian or going to the Russian Orthodox Church a terrorist act. Russia accuse the Ukraine of genocide, but speaking Russian was declared a terrorist act by the US-supported new and greatly improved Ukrainian government, so killing all Russian speakers wasn't genocide, but just stopping terrorists as they were committing acts of terrorism. The definition of 'terrorism' is determined by whomever is strongest, and now that's the US of A, with a military budget more than 10 times as large as Russia's.
But the US has the teeny problem of logistics. In Russia and the Ukraine, the tiny, ill-equipped Russian military have all the logistical advantage, and they hope that will let them fight the hegemon.
And it is looking more and more likely that Russia must fight the hegemon or be split into all the tiny Republics that form the Russian Federation. The US demand the complete dissolution of the Russian Federation. The Russian Federation, with a military less than 10% that of the US, and a much smaller fraction of the military of NATO, are hoping logistics will enable them to survive better than Grenada and Panama.
Of course, the USSR had the world's largest (or maybe 2nd largest) nuclear arsenal.
But Yeltsin let the CIA run Russia for 8 years, and they might have dismantled the entire Soviet nuclear arsenal (the US, based on CIA intelligence, is sure that they did). Putin says he has rebuilt that nuclear arsenal
And I fear we will all see very soon.
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